Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Islamic Schools

Being the first in my extended family (both sides) to go to Islamic School, I happened to be one of the lucky ones that was able to attend one of the best schools at the time. Not only was it the first Islamic International Girls' school but it was also very famous for its high standard of discipline and excellent academic achievements.

Other Islamic schools in the neighborhood however rarely lived up to the high standards set by this institution, often creating a bad name for itself such as "Islamic schools are usually not high academic achievers. Unfortunately this is a sad truth more often than we would like to see. My mission in life is to change this mindset. How? To bring Islamic schools to a level where every non-muslim will want to attend it. This is a global vision that can only be achieved by strong collaborating bodies of people willing to put everything behind and work towards this goal.

Starting Online Islamic Schools

Merging with larger schools and Acquiring smaller schools

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