Inspiration for the topic given by M B Ahamat!
If you ask your son who he looks up to would they name a famous super hero or a super sports star?
If you ask your daughter the same question would she say sleeping beauty or cinderella? Will she be fascinated if she could dress like a princess and hold the hand of mickey mouse or prince charming?
Blue eyes and blond hair of Rapunzel, elaborate clothes of cinderella, golden locks of goldilocks... Do we teach them that these superficial things are what matter in life or do we teach them to look at more than what they see in the mirror?
Do you want them to grow up shallow? do you want them to think that hair and skin is all that matters or do you want them to know that there is more to them than what they look like? Teach your sons the lessons of the noble people of the past the youth that gave so much to humanity. Tell your daughters that Lady Fathima and Lady Kadhija were excellent role models and are among the women of heaven. Make them look up to the prophet and his companions for leadership and lesson. Create a bond between them and our true Islamic heroes. This is what will give weight to their chracter... Superman and spiderman are nothing but fiction - something fake that our children are made to believe... Let's stop dreaming these unrealistic dreams. Stop buying them stickers and stationery that have donald duck and batman. Teach them to be simple and humble. Teach them that these so called fairies and fiction character have been created with the sole intention of making money out of parents. Teach them to love and care and buy them stories of the prophets and books of little duas so they will remember and love Allah. My parents did this for me when I was young. I was lucky not to think too much of cartoon charachters and video games but to grow up reading inspiring srories from the prophet's life that made me connect with him and wanting more than ever to be by his side in Jannah Insha Allah!
May Allah protect and guide us all!
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