I have always had this strong belief that each and every one of us is blessed with a gift. A gift that we can use well, misuse, abuse or just ignore. We need to search for the gifts in us. And we need to use these gifts in the right ways.
Often we do not do anything wrong which is out of the ordinary but we also do not do anything right which is out of the ordinary either. If each one us question ourselves to find out when is the last time we had a converstaion with another human being about a topic which is spiritual and good, which did not involve any idol talk – such as movie stars, music, fooling around, what answer would we get? Do we know that everyday we are getting older and time is running out? Are our lives going to be shallow and worthless or are we going to make a difference by our presence on earth?
We need a worthwhile mission in life and we need several goals. We need to adjust our lives and work towards our goals because sitting there and just wanting to change things will not do any good. Opportunity will not coming knocking at your door. It will be waiting there seated for anyone passing by to pick it up. Many times in our lives we pass by these many opportunities not even noticing them. We worry about the money it may take or the effort it will be worth and by the time we reach a decision the moment has already passed. Dreams will always just be dreams unless you get up and do something about it. Whether your mission in life is about passing the message of truth to one other person or earning enough money to donate medical equipment to a hospital or fund a school building we need to start working here and now. If you are in your youth (15years to 40years) then you are in excellent position to start working with your life and blessings.
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